Ellipticals / Cross Trainers
Cross Trainers or popularly known as Ellipticals, are effective cardio equipment and now the go-to choice of most for weight loss. It burns more calories than the classic treadmill or exercise bike, plus, it has a low impact effect on the body. Unlike your usual treadmill or exercise bike that have high-impact on the knees, elliptical cross trainers have minimal impact on the joints, perfect for those with special health conditions or considerations.
BH Fitness Elliptical Trainer LK8180
BH Fitness MOVEMIA Crosstrainer EC1000
$4,561.21 $7,602.00
BH Fitness Elliptical Cross Trainer LK8150
$2,946.90 $4,911.50
BH Fitness Elliptical SK9300
$3,499.00 $5,654.00